Father's Day - June 18, 2023

On Father’s Day 2023, our generous donors honour the special men in their lives with gifts to the “Abba Project” at the Glickman Center for the Prevention of Violence in the Family, in Tel Aviv, in support of men struggling with fatherhood. 

Na’amat Canada salutes all these special men and gratefully acknowledges the support of our donors. 

In Honour of:

Jer Abitbol

Michael Aranoff

Michael Babins

Steve Betel

Terry Creatchman

Matt Cutts

Gerry Dunkelman

Larry Dunkelman

Michael Dunkelman

Gary Farb

Rick Goldberg

Jonathan Gordon

Benson Honig

David Inhaber

Brandon Jacoby

Ryan Katofsky

Andrew Lang

Ron Laxer

Jonathan Levine

Martin Levine

Andy Morein

Justin Morein

Adam Noodelman

Jack Noodelman

Mony Rawas

David Marek Rosen

Paul Rosen

Lionel Sabbah

Harold Schwartz

Josh Schwartz

Matthew Schwarz

Nafi Schwarzenberger

Irwin Segal

Allan Seigel

Jeff Sherman

David Weinfeld

Mort Weinfeld

Barry Yellin 

Jared Yellin

Joel Yellin

Michael Zbriger




In Memory of:

Ted Chodos z"l

Henry Fayerman z"l

Murray Paton z"l

Jack Reisler z"l

Jerry Seigel z"l

Lewis E. Tauber z"l


Learn more about the  "Abba Project"